Saturday, December 11, 2010

Introductions? Don't mind if I do.

Hullo there! I'm new to the blogosphere, so I guess I have a little 'splainin' to do. Call me The Quick, though I assure you, my wit only matches my moniker when it feels like it. I'm an unemployed student with aspirations of greatness within the scope of the animation field, particularly in animating itself and voice acting. The big school I'm at is kind of chewing me up and spitting me out, so I may be hopping back home come the end of the semester and finding a smaller school more nearby my folks. Should be good for picking up a job, too, even though the job market's more or less a crapshoot still.

My introduction to fandoms probably originates to waaaaay back when I was but a wee, when Mom and Dad would read bedtime stories to get me geared down for sleep. I was a hardcore Lord of the Rings fangirl in fourth grade, if you can believe it. And yet, it took me until I was in middle school to acknowledge the awesome that can be boy's TV shows, especially the '03 animated Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles series. Since then, my fandoms have grown by leaps and bounds, and the list is now quite hefty, with Transformers (all incarnations, thanks to ), Avatar: The Last Airbender, Joss Whedon's Firefly and Dr. Horrible, Naruto (I know, I know, so sue me :P), Fallout (even though I've yet to play the game, I'm rather well-informed thanks to ), Sherlock Holmes (Jeremy Brett, in particular), the Slender Man Mythos, Pirates of the Caribbean, and many, many more featuring prominently in my imagination.

Nowadays, I sketch, write, RP, and read to get my creative juices flowing, though I also like to tinkle the ivories whenever I get the opportunity. I'm a bit of a wild card, but I like to think I'm reasonably likeable. XD Might be wrong, but I'll leave that up to you to decide, good nonexistent readers.
~The Quick